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Saraylar Mah. Sivritepe Mevkii Saraylar / Marmara / BALIKESİR / TÜRKİYE
Contact Info: +90 531 683 9434
Hall: 6
Stand: 6-11
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In Saraylar, Marmara, Derbent Maden Inc. began producing block marbles in 2019. Dereli Family has been involved in the mining sector for three generations after beginning their mining operations in the 1940s. The Dereli Family s initial business venture on the Marmara Island began by providing the glass producers with dolomite from Saraylar. Dereli Family continues to conduct business on Marmara Island through Derbent Maden A. for block marble and Dereli Mermer Granit Maden A. for chipped calcite.
Dolomite Block MarbleDolomite Block Marble
It is mined in our company s quarry located in Saraylar neighbourhood of Marmara Island.
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