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Yaşamkent Mahallesi 3097 Sok. No: 37 / ÇANKAYA / ANKARA / TÜRKİYE
Contact Info: +90 530 974 0599
Hall: 2
Stand: 2-25
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in 1955; Şahkar, which was started by our family elder Mehmet Şahin, started its activities in infrastructure and superstructure works in Ankara. Subsequently, it started to operate in the excavation sector in 1978. Later, it continued its activities in Çankaya Yıldız Turan Güneş Boulevard. Later in 1990, Kadir Şahin, son of Mehmet Şahin, one of the elders of the family, moved to Ostim Alinteri Boulevard and continued his activities there until 1997. In 1997, a new office was opened in the construction materials sector in Ankara/Ümitköy Alacaatlı Caddesi and continued its activities here. Following the sectoral innovations against the past, Şahkar has broken grounds in its sectors. By growing in direct proportion to the firsts it has realized; Şahkar Group company was founded by Faruk Şahin in 2015 and continues to grow successfully in the excavation, construction and mining sectors. Parallel to this growth, Şahkar Group was divided into group companies in 2022 in order to be more efficient and faster in the Construction and Mining sectors. A well-known and successful businessman in Ankara, who stepped into the mining industry at a young age, In partnership with Başkent Gezgin YTK owner Murat Erdic, he decided to continue with Adin Madencilik Import Export Trade Limited Company.

Bringing the noblest of colors together with the best quality bookmatch on marble, Black Mamba; Black marble variety, which arouses admiration with its magnificent patterns combining black and white from our quarry in the sky of Maraş Göksun, has been named Black Mamba due to its shape and offers you the most beautiful shades of black.
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